Would you like to feel more planetary?
To expand our perspective to a planetary scale, we need to somehow include the planet in the flow of information we consume, we need to let the planet into our world

There is a ritual that I perform almost every morning before I do any other work. This practice changes the perspective from which I view life, and therefore changes my life itself. Maybe you'd like to try it, too.
After explaining why I think we need a generation of planetary humans and why we should use the term 'planetary' more often, I wanted to answer the question: What rituals and practices might contribute to the formation of a planetary worldview?

The practice
Here's what I do. Every morning, before opening my email, messengers, news sites, and task manager, I open Google Earth, go to the search bar, and click the "I'm feeling lucky" button. Of course, I would prefer if it was called "I'm feeling planetary," but "lucky" will do too.
After this, the service transports me to some random point on Earth, and I begin my exploration. Within a radius of several kilometers from this place, I survey from above everything interesting: schools, libraries, museums, sports grounds, ports, railway stations, monuments, and other landmarks.
I try to imagine: What is it like to live there?

If the Street View function is available for this area of the map, I set off to "walk" around the location with a first-person view. And if, as in the case of Tokyo or Venice, 3D View is available, I might even "fly" around.
Garbage in, garbage out
We live in a reality constructed by our consciousness. The information coming through our senses shapes our personal world.

Along with other types of pollution, cognitive pollution is becoming an increasingly acute problem.
If we endlessly scroll through social media, watch reels, and pollute our consciousness with other junk, then the ideas we produce will also be junk. Garbadge in, garbadge out.
Yet, if we take a responsible approach to what we let into our inner world, the results we produce will be much more interesting.
"The quality of your thinking influences the quality of your life". Jorge Arango
Let the planet in
To expand my perspective to a planetary scale, I need to somehow include the planet in the flow of information I consume throughout the day. I need to let the planet into my world.
Of course, a morning flight around Earth's orbit could be an awesome practice, guaranteeing the emergence of the Overview Effect. However, out of eight billion earthlings, right now this option is available to only 10 people.
A daily routine of exploring Google Earth is a more environmentally friendly and scalable way to feel planetary.It takes me 10-15 minutes in total, but it gives a completely different perspective to my day.
Gratitude and awe
From space, none of my personal problems seem insurmountable or unsolvable. This practice reminds me that at any given moment there are millions of humans around the world with the very same problems. And probably there are billions whose lives are far more difficult and challenging than mine.
As I realize this, I experience a mild overview effect, as well as a sense of gratitude and awe from the very fact that I am alive.
What altitude?
The Possibilitarian Dave Gray has a game called "Altitude". Essentially, my "I'm feeling planetary" practice is just a variation of that concept.

The point of “I’m feeling planetary” is to:
First, leave the ground-level perspective,
rise to the altitude of a satellite,
then descend to another place on Earth,
explore it,
and only then return to your first-person view, but with a completely different perspective.
Travel broadens your worldview, even if it's virtual
Travel is a great thing. So many prominent minds have underscored the importance of physical traveling for intellectual development.
"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” Mark Twain
However, one cannot constantly travel the globe just to feel more planetary. There are other thing to do too. So, starting my day with this 'I feel planetary' practice on Google Earth helps me broaden my worldview while still leaving time for my actual work.
💡 By the way, feel free to join the chat and share your story about your very first travel
Progress is not guaranteed
Many visionaries and futurists predict that sooner or later we will become a truly planetary civilization, leaving behind the limitations of national identity. And as planetary people, we will be able to take the best care of ourselves and the planet.
But that progress is not guaranteed. History already knows examples when, despite all the achievements of civilization, there was a setback. We may be moving towards a planetary society, but we are not immune to various forms of extremism that could stop this movement.
The"I feel planetary" ritual could help shape a generation that sees itself as earthlings, adept at self-care and planetary stewardship.

Would you try it?
I don't know if you'll like this practice from the first try, or if you'll need to include it in your daily routine to feel the beneficial effect after some time. But I really want you to try it and tell me if it was any good for you.
Planetary yours,
Gleb Shu
Very cool! I rarely see this idea promoted. One way I have of trying to cultivate this perspective is when looking at the horizon imagining it as a tiny segment of the VERY LARGE curvature of the planet. Another way is when I’m out for a walk or whatever I’ll just say to myself “ladies and gentlemen, we are floating in space” — that’s the title of a song from Spiritualized that I’ve always liked.
Love this!